Cullen Couture Agreement

Cullen Couture Agreement

35. The Cullen-Couture agreement expires on the effective date of this agreement. 33. This agreement may be reopened at the request of one of the parties with six months` notice. In the absence of agreement on the amendment, the agreement remains in force. AND CONSIDERING that the Government of Canada and the Government of Quebec wish to conclude a new agreement inspired by the Cullen-Couture Agreement, in order to provide Quebec With new ways to preserve its demographic importance in Canada and to ensure the integration of immigrants to Quebec in a way that respects Quebec`s unique identity; It is interesting to note that the agreement contains a mechanism for amendment, but not for termination. A whistleblowing clause is a common feature of the agreements, and such a clause was found in the previous agreement of the agreement11. However, section 33 of the agreement simply states that „this agreement may be reopened at the request of one of the parties with a six-month delay. In the absence of agreement on the amendment, the agreement will remain in force. Presumably, the clause was drafted in this way, because the agreement was originally to be enshrined in the Constitution after the agreement was adopted by Meech Lake. In this way, the agreement would not have been terminated at its convenience by any of the parties by merely terminating the agreement. It remains to be seen what would happen if, at some point or in the future, some party was dissatisfied with the agreement and no agreement could be reached. Canada and Quebec will negotiate a specific reciprocal agreement on pension transfer.

They also agree to determine and pay a compensatory amount in relation to the additional costs of providing services after the transfer. The terms of Quebec`s offer are based on the principles of the agreement in principle signed on October 3, 1990 by the President of the Department of Finance of Canada and the President of the Quebec Treasury Board of Directors on the uniform management of excise duties at the federal and provincial levels. (b) unless the parties reach a contrary agreement, the terms of payment of Schedule B compensation apply when other federal services are added to the list of these tender and compensation provisions pursuant to Part III of the agreement, pursuant to Section 23 (b) of the issue. 28. Canada and Quebec undertake not to use the information exchanged during the implementation of this agreement for other purposes and not to disclose it for other purposes. 22. Canada and Quebec will enter into an agreement on administrative and financial arrangements allowing Quebec to provide reception services at ports of entry, including airports or other federally regulated premises or buildings. On February 5, 1991, Barbara McDougall, Federal Minister of Employment and Immigration, and Monique Gagnon-Tremblay, Quebec Minister of Cultural Communities and Immigration, signed the Canada-Quebec Agreement on Immigration and Temporary Reception of Foreigners.1 It came into force on April 1, 1991.

The agreement followed the failure of the Meech Lake Agreement, which had proposed constitutional amendments, and obtained to a large extent what would have happened in the immigration field if the agreement had been adopted by Meech Lake2. Canada and Quebec have had immigration agreements since 1971. The first agreement, the Lang-Cloutier Agreement (1971), was followed by the Andras-Welcome Agreement (1975) and the Cullen-Couture Agreement (1979), replaced by the Canada-Quebec agreement (1991).

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