In order to help small businesses connect with prime contractors, GSA publishes a list of subcontractors. The list lists the main contractors of large companies working for AA GSAs who are legally required to define subcontracting plans and objectives for small companies. This means they are actively looking for small businesses to work with. CTA differs from a partnership between a main contractor and a subcontractor in that all team members are equal parties. Other important differences are listed below: The U.S. federal government, which spends billions of dollars each year, has positioned itself as the world`s largest provider of contract services. The government accepts purchase requests from all business structures, such as sole proprietorships and enterprises. Nevertheless, the company must comply with the government`s size guidelines for small businesses. In order to meet the requirements of the purchasing opportunity, contractors may apply as individual contractors or enter into teaming agreements that allow the contractor to increase its size and capabilities without exceeding the State`s size guidelines. „Contractor Team Arrangement“ means a federal contractor team arrangement (CTA) that enters into an agreement between two or more schedule contractors working together to meet the Agency`s requirements. While the two concerns described above are important factors in comparing the relative benefits of teaming or co-venturing, they are not the only two considerations that should be taken into consideration by contractors. In determining whether a Contractor qualifies as a „small business“ for the purposes of a given contract, the Contractor must find the North American Industry Classification System („NAICS“) code assigned to that contract (normally in the invitation itself) and refer to the „size standard“ associated with this Code.
A size standard is measured either in terms of turnover or according to staff. To be considered „small,“ a company must not exceed the dollar threshold or the number of employees destined for a given code. When two companies are considered „related“, their respective sizes (determined either by turnover or by the number of employees) are added together. The sum is what is assessed when it is found whether the company is indeed „small“, based on the SBA`s „size standards“. If the combined size of the two companies exceeds the current size standards, neither can be considered „small“. As a result, a finding of „belonging“ is something that small businesses generally want to avoid. . .